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Doerksen Eye Clinic offers Eye Care & Vision Services

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At Doerksen Eye Clinic we offer comprehensive care for all ages. We are not only concerned about your prescription for eyeglasses and contacts but also the overall health of your eye. Thoroughly examining the internal structures of the eye aids in the detection of conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. The eyes can also show changes to the eyes due to hypertension, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis and many other systemic diseases.

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Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can cause irreversible vision loss without any symptoms. It is estimated that 3 million Americans may have it and more than half of those affected by glaucoma may not know it.
Vision loss from glaucoma is caused by damage to the optic nerve. This nerve is like a cable wire from the back of the eye to the back of the brain with over a million fibers. It is responsible for carrying information from the eye to the brain.

There is no cure for glaucoma, however, medication or surgery can slow or prevent further vision loss. The appropriate treatment depends on the type of glaucoma along with a few other factors. Early detection is important to slowing the progress of the disease.

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Diabetic Eye Disease

Studies show that diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in working age Americans. It represents a group of eye problems that people that have been diagnosed with diabetes face. The most common form is a term called diabetic retinopathy. This condition is a result of leaking blood vessels and poor circulation to the retina inside the eye, which can consequently result in loss of vision.

Diabetic retinopathy has different stages, and not all patients with this disease will have signs or symptoms. The progression of this condition is related to the control of the diabetes as well as factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol. It is important that all diabetics receive a dilated eye exam at least once a year.

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Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the U.S. It typically affects those over 65 and is rare in younger than age 50. As its name implies, it is a degenerative condition causing scaring of the macula in the eye.

The macula is an area of the retina in the back of the eye that is responsible for central vision. Patients with the disease may experience loss of vision in this area. Distortion of objects and "missing" areas that appear dark are common.

There are two forms of this condition, dry and wet ARMD. Dry ARMD is the most common representing as a slow degeneration or atrophy of the retina that results in mild to moderate vision loss in the majority of the people. The wet form is the least common but most detrimental to vision. Weak, new blood vessels forming behind the retina characterizes wet ARMD. The new blood vessels can leak and/or rupture causing scarring with severe vision loss.
There is currently no treatment available for dry macular degeneration, however recent studies have suggested that certain dietary changes and supplementation may help slow the progress or prevent the onset of the disease. The wet form does have some treatments available that can help slow the progress of the condition and in some cases, improve visual function. Only your eye doctor will know which treatment is best for you. You should always consult your doctor before starting any supplements or diet changes.

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A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens inside the eye. It is a common condition that can cause blurring of vision, colors appearing dull, glare or starbursts around lights. Treatment for cataracts involves the surgical removal of the natural lens and the implantation of an artificial one in its place.

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Dry Eye

Dry eyes are a common condition that results from an inadequate or dysfunctional tear layer. The front surface of the eye is coated with a tear layer that is responsible for keeping the eye lubricated. It also contains enzymes and antibodies that help protect the eye from irritants and microorganisms.

Tear deficiency or dysfunction can result in a variety of symptoms like blurred vision, dryness, scratchiness, redness, foreign body sensation, itching and pain.

The exact cause of dry eyes is hard to pin point, however it is more common with age, peri-menopausal women and those taking certain medications. It can also be significantly influenced by your environment or extended computer work.

The treatment of dry eye varies with each patient's condition and is best determined by your doctor. It may include tear supplementation drops, medications, tear-duct occlusion, dietary changes and/or lifestyle changes.

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Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Blepharitis is a term used for “inflammation of the eyelids”. This is a common and chronic inflammation of the eyelids that can cause irritation, itching, redness, lash loss, dry eye and contact lens intolerance. It is usually caused by bacteria that thrive on eyelid secretions at the base of the eyelashes and along the eyelid margin.
The meibomian glands open at the edge of the eyelid just inside the lashes. These glands produce an oil layer that coats our tears to prevent them from evaporating. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is a form of blepharitis where the oil glands produce a thicker more wax-like secretion. As a result the glands become clogged and inflamed. With an insufficient oil layer, the tear layer evaporates more rapidly and the eyes become dry. There is no specific cure for this condition but it can be controlled through a regimen lid scrubs to remove the bacteria along with hot compresses to help melt the waxy secretions and return a normal flow to the oil glands. On occasion, the addition of an oral or topical medication is required. Your doctor will know what treatment is best for you.

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Flashes, Floaters and Vitreous Detachment

Most of the eye's interior portion is made of a gel-like substance call the vitreous. This gel is composed of millions of microscopic fibers that provide the structure for the vitreous. Over time, the fibers begin to breakdown and the vitreous collapses and pulls away from the retina. It usually releases from the retinal surface without disrupting the thin tissue of the retina. The retina is very sensitive, so you may perceive little sparks or flashes of light as the vitreous detaches. You may also see the shadows of these fibers as "floaters", which can be annoying at times but usually get better with time.

Most people will have a vitreous detachment at some point in their life, however the degree of symptoms can vary. It is important to notify your doctor if you experience "flashes" or "floaters", because sometimes these are signs of a retinal tear or detachment that can be a potentially sight-threatening condition. Only a careful dilated examination of your eyes by your eye doctor can determine whether you have had a vitreal or retinal detachment.

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